Wednesday, April 26, 2017

6th Six Weeks (Week 3) The Rock Cycle

3 Types of Rocks & The Rock Cycle

The Rock Cycle Video

3 Classes of Rock: The Rock Cycle class presentation

·         What is the Rock Cycle?
o   What is a rock?
o   What processes change rock?
o   Vocabulary Terms:
§  Weathering, Erosion, Deposition

·         What is the Rock Cycle?
o   Three classes of rock:
§  Sedimentary, Igneous, Metamorphic
o   Compare & Contrast the three types of rocks

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

6th Six Weeks (Wk. 2) Structures of the Earth

Structure of the Earth: Video

·         Lesson 1 Earth’s Layers
o   What are Earth’s Layers?
§  Compositional Layers
·         Core, Crust, Mantle
§  Physical Layers
·         Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Mesosphere, Outer, & Inner Core

Monday, April 10, 2017

6th Six Weeks (WK. 1) Introduction to Ecology

Crash Course: Ecology Playlist

This is the power point we saw in class today.

·         Introduction to Ecology
o   How are parts of the environment connected?
§  Ecology
§  Levels of Organization
§  Biomes
§  Habitat and Niche