Sunday, September 28, 2014

Week 6 (Sept. 29- Oct.3)

·         Major Geological Events Continuation
o   Closing of the chapter
Volcanic Eruption Clipart
·         Tectonic Plates & Major Geological Events
o   Interactive review
§  Series of short educational clips

·         Six Weeks Exam Review
o   Comprehensive
How to personalise standard clip art
·         Six Weeks Exam
o   Comprehensive Exam
·         Make-up Day
o   Missing Assignments

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Science Week 5

·         Major Geological Events
·         Lesson 3: Mountain Forming
o   How do mountains form?

fault block mountain is like this -->
volcanic mountain sits silently until it has something to say.
Friday fold: just Kidding
o   Discuss how tectonic plate motion can cause deformation
§  Vocabulary:
§  Folding, anticline & syncline folds
§  Faults: Compare 3 kinds of faults
·         Strike-slip fault
·         Normal fault
·         Reverse fault
Typesof Faults
o   Compare 3 types of mountains
§  Folded Mountains
§  Fault-block Mountains
§  Volcanic Mountains
Types of Mountains

·         Lesson 4: Volcanoes
o   How do volcanoes change the earth’s surface?
§  Vocabulary:
§   Volcano, magma, lava, & vent
o   Describe types of materials that erupt from volcanoes
§  Gases, pyroclastic materials, & lava
o   Discuss landforms formed by volcanoes
§  Volcanic mountains, craters, calderas, fissures, & lava plateaus
shield volcanoes.jpg2
o   Identity 3 types of volcanic mountains
§  Cinder cones, shield volcanoes, & composite volcanoes
Figure 5. Figure illustrating the composition on a Shield volcano
Figure 8.21 : Mt. Fuji is a dormant composite volcano that is the ...
·         Plate Boundaries Review
o   Discuss the occurrence of volcanoes at plate boundaries & at hot spots
§  Convergent, Divergent, & transform boundaries

·         Lesson 5: Earthquakes
o   What are earthquakes & why do they happen?
§  Vocabulary:
·         Epicenter & focus
·         Elastic Rebound
·         Deformation
The Canterbury Earthquake: Images of the distorted railway line
o   Where do earth quakes happen?
§  Discuss tectonic plate boundaries & earthquake occurrence
o   Effects of Earthquakes
§  What can happen at earth’s surface during an earthquake
§  How do earthquakes affect people and structures?
·         Class discussion
o   Compare and contrast major geologic events effect on the earth and its inhabitants.
·         Major geologic events Lab

·         Major Geologic Events Quiz
·         Science Fair Project Topics Discussion
Science Fairs are a lot of fun and a great learning experience for ...
Science Fair - clip art to use for flyers/posters

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Plate Tectonics: Moving & Shaking (Week 4) Sept.15 - 19

·         Tectonic Plate Motion & the Rock Cycle
o   Vocabulary: Uplift, Subsidence, Rift Zone

o   How do tectonic plate motions affect the rock cycle?

·         Theory of Plate Tectonics
o   Describe:
§  Continental Drift & Pangaea- Alfred Wegener (1912)
§  Tectonic Plate
§  Theory of Plate Tectonics (1960s)

·         Tectonic Plates
o   Major Tectonic Plates:
o   Properties of Tectonic Plates
o   Compare Continental & Oceanic Crust
§  Describe how tectonic plate movements affect the topography of the earth.
Photo: Mosque and farms in Eritrea
Photo: Volcano crater in Ethiopia
Photo: Bighorn Basin in Wyoming

·         Plate Boundaries
o   Convergent
o   Divergent
o   Transform

·         Tectonic Plate Motion
o   What causes Tectonic Plate Movement?
§  Mantle Convection
§  Ridge Push
§  Slab Pull

Rock Hunt Project: Make 3 columns 1 for each type of Rock

Sedimentary Rock,
Metamorphic Rock,
& Igneous Rock

 Your Drawing, Picture, or Specimen goes here.

Where is this rock commonly found?

2.      List some of the unique characteristics of this   rock.

3.      What are the properties of this type of rock?

4.      How is this rock made?

5.      What are some examples of this type of rock?

6.      Are there any uses for this type of rock today? Explain your answer.

Due: Monday, Sept. 15

Monday, September 8, 2014

Week 3 Sept. 8 thru 12

·         What is the Rock Cycle?
o   Why do Scientists study rocks?

·         What is the Rock Cycle?
o   What is a rock?
o   What processes change rock?
o   Vocabulary Terms:
§  Weathering, Erosion, Deposition
Amazing rock formations from around the world
Amazing rock formations in Arizona

·         What is the Rock Cycle?
o   Three classes of rock:
§  Sedimentary, Igneous, Metamorphic
o   Compare & Contrast the three types of rocks

·         What is the Rock Cycle?
o   Series of processes thru which rocks change from one type to another.
o   Class discussion on The Rock Cycle
§  Review and Label Rock Cycle Diagram

·         What is the Rock Cycle?
o   Rock Cycle Lab

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Week of Sept. 1 - Sept. 5

·         Group Presentation on Lab Safety Activity
o   Students will explain what their lab safety symbols represent

·         Student Lab Safety Quiz

  • Scientific Method Introduction
    • Scientific Method Steps
      • Scientific Method Foldable

·         Lesson 1 Earth’s Layers
o   What are Earth’s Layers?
§  Compositional Layers
·         Core, Crust, Mantle
§  Physical Layers
·         Lithosphere, Asthenosphere,Mesosphere, Outer, & Inner Core

·         Lesson 1 Earth’s Layers
o   Compare inner and outer cores
o   Discuss how the 5 physical layers relate to the 3 compositional layers.

·         Lesson 1 Layers of the Earth Review

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Sixth Grade Science
Syllabus and Classroom Expectations
"Science is part of the reality of living; it is the what, the how, and the why for everything in our experience." 
 ~Rachel Carson
Teacher:                       Mr. Joe Carmona
School Phone #:          (956) 488-6024

Students welcome to the 2014-2015 school year?  Just like all of you I am static about this new school year, it is going to be a very rewarding as well as a challenging year.  My expectations are high but together we will ensure all of you ascend to meet them.
This class will enrich your knowledge in science by working on various activities throughout the year. When you walk in this classroom you will become a scientist, an explorer, and a classmate. You will give and receive respect, attention, and knowledge but in order to ensure an ideal learning environment everyone must need to follow the rules and procedures set by the teacher.

Ø  2 inch binder
Ø  1 composition notebook
Ø  1 pack of 5 dividers
Ø  1 pack of colored pencils
Ø  2 glue sticks
Ø  1 pack of loose leaf paper
Ø  1 pack of pencils

ü  To develop and nurture the desire to look for the why in everyday life.
ü  Achieve and maintain an A on ALL science assignments, projects, quizzes, and the tests.
ü  Conduct a unique experiment and research in order to create a Science Fair project.

Grades and Extra Credit Assignments:
1.      Class assignments, journal, quizzes, homework, lab experiments, and projects will account for 75% of your six weeks final grade. Six Weeks Exam will account for 25% of your six weeks final grade.
2.      The teacher will provide you with the opportunity to do different extra credit assignments throughout the six weeks. These assignments will replace low grades a student has previously received on class assignments or homework.

When You Are Absent:
It is your responsibility to make-up any assignments or tests (with an excused absence) in a timely manner when you return from an absence.

Turning in Assignments:
The teacher will sometimes collect homework, group-work, or individual work. You will turn these in only when the teacher asks for them .  Make sure the assignment has your full name, class period, and date.

Rules & Procedures:

Procedures for entering the classroom; I expect all to follow these procedures:
1.      Report to class in a timely manner tardiness will be documented
2.      Enter the classroom quietly without running or pushing.
3.      Turn in homework or assignments in the duo box.
4.      Take your assigned seat and have your materials ready.
5.      Wait for further instructions from teacher while quiet.
6.      Work quietly and by yourself unless assigned to work in groups by teacher.

Procedures for the End of Class and Dismissal:
A few minutes before the bell rings everyone should:
1.      Gather all their materials quietly
2.       Be SEATED in assigned seat quiet waiting for teacher to dismiss the class.

When you finish early:
If you finish all your assigned work early you may a) read independently B)work on extra credit c) write in your science journal d)work on an assignment for another class.

When We Have a Visitor:
Ø  When we have someone come into our classroom that is not part of our class (teacher, administrator, student, parent, custodian, etc…) you are ALL expected to follow the same classroom rules and procedures. You are expected to be quiet and continue on task. Do not talk to the visitor unless he/she is talking to you directly and remember to be polite at all times. Continue working on assignment as usual.
Ø  If the visitor needs to speak to me privately, I expect you ALL to remain in your seat without talking and on task until I finish speaking with the visitor.

Restroom Policy:
You may go to the restroom if:
Ø  It is an emergency, which cannot wait until the break. (Do not abuse)
Ø  The class is  working on individual seatwork; (no passes during Teacher or Guest Lecture)
Ø  You have not abused this privilege in the past

Classroom Rules:
Classroom Rules are posted in the classroom. Let’s quickly review what each rule means.
1.      Respect the Teacher and Classmates
2.      Follow Directions THE FIRST TIME GIVEN
3.      Stay seated in assigned seat at all times (ask teacher for permission to stand)
4.      Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking
5.      No Food, Drinks, or Gum
6.      Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself
7.      Give 100% of your dedication to academic goals/tasks

Everything we do in life has consequences. Consequences are the things that happen to you when you choose not to obey the rules. This is what will happen if you choose to violate one or more of the classroom rules.
1.      1st time:  Verbal Warning
2.      2nd time:  Student Conference
3.      3rd time:  Call parents
4.      4th time:  Parent/Teacher Student Conference
5.      5th time:  Principal/Parent/Teacher student conference