Monday, September 28, 2015

1st Six Weeks (6th Week) Testing Week

·         Major Geological Events
·         Lesson 3: Mountain Forming
o   How do mountains form?
o   Discuss how tectonic plate motion can cause deformation
§  Vocabulary:
§  Folding, anticline & syncline folds
§  Faults: Compare 3 kinds of faults
·         Strike-slip fault
·         Normal fault
·         Reverse fault
o   Compare 3 types of mountains
§  Folded Mountains
§  Fault-block Mountains
§  Volcanic Mountains
·         Lesson 4: Volcanoes
o   How do volcanoes change the earth’s surface?
§  Vocabulary:
§   Volcano, magma, lava, & vent
o   Describe types of materials that erupt from volcanoes
§  Gases, pyroclastic materials, & lava
o   Discuss landforms formed by volcanoes
§  Volcanic mountains, craters, calderas, fissures, & lava plateaus
o   Identity 3 types of volcanic mountains
§  Cinder cones, shield volcanoes, & composite volcanoes
·         Plate Boundaries Review
o   Discuss the occurrence of volcanoes at plate boundaries & at hot spots
§  Convergent, Divergent, & transform boundaries
·         Lesson 5: Earthquakes
o   What are earthquakes & why do they happen?
§  Vocabulary:
·         Epicenter & focus
·         Elastic Rebound
·         Deformation
o   Where do earth quakes happen?
§  Discuss tectonic plate boundaries & earthquake occurrence
o   Effects of Earthquakes
§  What can happen at earth’s surface during an earthquake
§  How do earthquakes affect people and structures?
·         Class discussion
o   Compare and contrast major geologic events effect on the earth and its inhabitants.
·         Review for 1st Six Weeks Exam

·         1st Six Weeks Exam

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

1st Six Weeks(Week 4) The Earth and its layers

·          What is the Rock Cycle Review
o   How do rocks form?
o   The processes which change rock
·         Crayon Rock Cycle Lab
o   Demonstrate how rocks change through geologic processes
·         Lesson 1 Earth’s Layers
o   What are Earth’s Layers?
§  Compositional Layers
·         Core, Crust, Mantle
§  Physical Layers
·         Lithosphere, Asthenosphere, Mesosphere, Outer, & Inner Core

·         Lesson 1 Earth’s Layers
o   Compare inner and outer cores
o   Discuss how the 5 physical layers relate to the 3 compositional layers.
·         Science Fair Research
o   Computer Lab
·         Introduction to Earth’s Tectonic Plate Movement
·         Tectonic Plate Motion & the Rock Cycle
o   Vocabulary: Uplift, Subsidence, Rift Zone
How do tectonic plate motions affect the rock cycle?

Monday, September 7, 2015

1st Six Weeks (Week 3) The Rock Cycle

·         Group Lab Activity
o   Is chewing gum eating?
o   Students will  utilize the Scientific Method and practice  data collection and organization

·         What is the Rock Cycle?
o   What is a rock?
o   What processes change rock?
o   Vocabulary Terms:
§  Weathering, Erosion, Deposition

·         What is the Rock Cycle?
o   Three classes of rock:
§  Sedimentary, Igneous, Metamorphic
o   Compare & Contrast the three types of rocks

·         What is the Rock Cycle?
o   Series of processes thru which rocks change from one type to another.
o   Class discussion on The Rock Cycle
§  Review and Label Rock Cycle Diagram

·         Mid-Six Weeks Examination
o   Student Exam