Sunday, October 22, 2017

2nd Six Weeks (WK 3) Pure Substances and Mixtures

          Pure Substances VS Mixtures Videos

Pure Substances and Mixtures.
o   How can matter be classified?
§  Elements, compounds, & mixtures.

·         Pure Substances and Mixtures

·         How do pure substances and mixtures compare?
o   What are pure substances?
o   How can elements be classified?
§  How can compounds be classified?

·         How do pure substances and mixtures compare?
o   What are mixtures?
o   How can mixtures be classified?
o   Homogeneous & Heterogeneous

Monday, October 16, 2017

2nd Six Weeks (Week 2) Science Fair Work Week

You only have until October 30th to complete your Display Boards, so take advantage of the time I am giving you in class to finish the project.
Bring any required materials to class in order to decorate and glue the required typed texts.

·         Science Fair Project Work Day
o   Continue to assemble & Decorate display boards

·         Science Fair Project Work Day
o   Finish typing Purpose, Hypothesis, and Materials
o   Begin typing  Data/Results/Analysis
o   Continue work on display board

·         Science Fair Project Work Day
o   Continue typing required text
o   Complete Experiment

·         Science Fair Project Work Day
o   Final day to complete Science Fair Display Board in CLASS.
·         Should have all required information on the Display Board or ready to glue on the display board.

October 26th will be Ac2E Fall Festival 

Sunday, October 1, 2017

2nd Six Weeks (Week 1) Physical and Chemical Changes of Matter.

·         Physical & Chemical Changes
o   What are physical and chemical changes of matter?
o   Define Physical Change
§  Identify Physical Changes of matter
o   Define Chemical change
§  Identify Chemical Changes of matter

·         Physical & Chemical Changes
·         Comparing Physical & Chemical Changes
o   Differentiate between physical & chemical changes of matter
o   Identify signs of chemical changes of matter.
·         Law of Conservation of Mass & Energy
o   Describe & discuss the Law of Conservation of Mass & Energy.