Tuesday, March 29, 2016

5th Six Weeks (STAAR WEEK) Atoms and Elements Review

The Death STAAR is here and our young Jedi have been expertly prepared  
to conquer this 2016  STAAR exam.
Padawans training for the coming STAAR exam.

Atoms and Elements Review
-Bohr Atomic Model
-Sub Atomic Particles: Protons, Neutrons, Electrons
-Atomic number, Atomic Mass, Valence Electrons

Thursday, March 3, 2016

5th Six Weeks (Wk 3) Atoms and Elements: Atomic Model

 ·         Pure Substances Vs. Mixtures Lab Activity
o   Fusion Lab Manual
§  Observing Mixtures
Quiz Review

·         Atoms and Elements
o   How are atoms and elements related?
§  What are atoms?
§  What are the parts of atoms?

·         Atoms and Elements
o   What is an element?
o   How are elements described?
§  What are atomic numbers?

 ·          Atoms and Elements
o   Atomic Structure and Elements
·         Chemical Symbols
o   How are elements described?
§  Chemical Symbols